Click on the links after each Membership Category description to join BABA:

Platinum Member - $10,000:

Platinum Membership is reserved for a select group of leading multinational companies, and offers them unprecedented access to a customized program of exclusive networking, promotional and business opportunities in addition to the regular benefits of membership in the Association. This category is limited to a small group of key members.

Additional Benefits

In addition to all the Sponsoring, Corporate and general membership benefits, Platinum Members enjoy:

  • Platinum $5,500 Sponsorship at Gala Christmas luncheon (Table of 10; seat at head table with The British Ambassador; multiple company recognition)
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (three per year) through our online database. (must be approved by the BABA Office).
  • Prominent fixed logo and web link on BABA website Homepage
  • 1/2 page in every other quarterly Newsletter and four emails/social media blasts per year on your news/press releaseses/webinars
  • Logo placement in email footer of all outbound market.event emails
  • Opportunity for one of your senior executives to introduce/promote your company at a BABA event.
  • Priority access for your CEO or senior executive to exclusive inviation-only BABA events with high-level UK or US Government officials
  • Exclusivity of level, limited to a small number of key members

 Join BABA as a Platrinum Member

Sponsoring Member - $2,500:

For companies that want to maintain a high profile in the UK-US business community. This category entitles a select group of company executives to participate in high-level networking programs and includes additional benefits as well.

Additional Benefits

In addition to all Corporate Membership benefits, Sponsoring Members also enjoy:

  • Invitations to special private events
  • Recognition in Association literature and publications
  • Pre-event receptions with high-profile speakers.
  • Prominent scrolling logo and Web link on homepage of BABA website
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (two per year) through our online listserve. (Must be approved by the BABA Office).
  • Greater overall visibility

Join BABA as a Sponsoring Member


Corporate Member - $800:

For large firms with more than 10 employees. In this category, as many employees as desired can participate in the Association's activities.

Corporate members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication
  • Quarterly Association newsletter by mail
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory, accessible only to members
  • Company/orgname in the website Membership Directory
  • Link from "Membership Directory' to your company/org website.
  • Access to the J-1 Visa Assistance Program
  • Ability to plan an event, develop a topic, and provide speakers
  • Opportunity for one employee to join a committee to influence events and membership aspects
  • The license to display the BABA logo on your webiste
  • Opportunity to promote your company's event (one per year) through our event notices and social media (must be approved by the BABA Office)
  • Your company promoted through the BABA Social Media Platforms
  • Ability to sponsor pre-planned BABA events

Join or BABA as a Corporate Member


Small Business Member - $300:

For small firms with no more than 10 employees.

Small Business Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication 
  • Quarterly Association newsletter by mail
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory, accessible only to members
  • Company/Org. name in the website Membership Directory
  • Link from 'Membership Directory' to your company/org website
  • Access to the J-1 Visa Assistance Program
  • Ability to plan an event, develop a topic, and provide speakers
  • Opportunity for one employee to join a committee to influence events and membership aspects

Join BABA as a Small Business Member


Individual Member - $175:

For individuals affiliated with the government; retirees or those who do not desire to advertise their company affiliation. No access to the British-American Business Council database (a listing of over 2,300 contacts) under this category.

Individual Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication (Individual's name only)
  • Quarterly Association Newsletter by mail 

Join BABA as an Individual Member

UK Associate Member - $225:

This non-voting member category is for organizations and individuals in the UK interested in forging business or professional ties in the Greater Washington region.

UK Associate Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter print publication
  • Full details in the online Membership Directory accessible only to members(under development)
  • Company/Org name in the website 'Membership Directory'
  • Link from 'Membership Directory' to your company/org website

Join BABA as a UK Associate Member

Young Professional Member - $95:

(Renewable each year for three years.) For young professionals beginning their careers with an interest in British and American relations. No company affiliation is listed.  No access to the British-American Business Council database (a listing of over 2,200 contacts) under this category.

Young Professional Members enjoy:

  • Access at prevailing member rates to the full-range of BABA events including other chapters' events in the UK and US.
  • Access to updates on major trade/economic policy issues/trends
  • Introduction to the BABA membership via the Newsletter digital publication (Individual name only)

Join BABA as a Young Professional Member


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